Survey and Information-Request


Please check only one selection in response to each question below:
Results of this survey will be made available on the Web site.

  •   1 to 5
      6 to 10
      More than 10
  •   Interpretation of Guidelines
      Finding Relevant Research
      Writing/Drafting Proposals
  •   Program Director/Administrative Staff
      Internal Fund-Development Staff
      External Fund-Development Consultants
  •   $1,000 - $10,000
      $11,000 - $50,000
      More than $50,000


A special Request to Administrators and Staff of 501(c)(3) Organizations

To help us serve you, please tell us more about your organization and the purpose for which funding is needed. Do feel free to ask any questions you wish to answer. Please confirm that your e-mail, fax and telephone numbers are correctly transmitted to us so that we may respond promptly.

Not-For-Profit Grant Writers